Party like it’s Y2K again!

This last weekend Tim and I spent the whole weekend just doing each others Honey Do Lists. Tim cleaned up some old stairs outside that were rickety and a hazard to anyone who used them (not that anyone should/would as they led literally nowhere.. straight into the side of the house.. don’t ask), some left over mess from our contractor (this is a WHOLE ‘nother story, what a headache!!!!), washed the vehicles and took the kiddies outside for the day in the sprinkler and made them a super fast water slide on their play set.. to give you an idea of just how “fast” it was, Claire got like 2 full seconds of airtime off the bottom and flew like 4 feet off the bottom. Lol, normally I’d be against this since it’s kind of dangerous and if I tried it I’d hurt myself, and given that she was in nothing more than a diaper and was landing on the grass on her back BUT she’s a kid, they’re made of rubber, she squealed with delight and repeated this countless times. *Eventually he put a kiddie pool at the bottom so they landed in water and didn’t skid across the lawn on their butt/backs*
I unfortunately, was house bound and finally took the plunge and fixed our bathroom walls.. it was left as a disaster for over a year (YES, I’m a PROCRASTINATOR… shut up, don’t judge me) I could go in depth but that shit is boring so I’ll just say, we have successfully made the transition from condemned looking to moderately priced hotel bathroom.
The next day we ended up puttering around some more and I stumbled on 3 full garbage bags of old clothes from when we moved into this house 2 years ago… JACKPOT! I found some cute shirts, and had a trip down memory lane from all the ‘gems’ I found in there!! One of these lovely finds was some Silver jeans from Grade 8.. 13 years ago!!! I thought, hell I might still fit these bell bottom beauties.. so I squeeeeeezed and tugged and wiggled and hopped and…. VOILA!
Holy. Shit.
Hahahaha I’m finding it amusing that literally HALF my life ago I fit these things!!! I was 13 when I got these and they fit!! This brings up 2 possible scenarios in my head… 1. Either I was a 13 year old who resembled a hefer or 2. I’m superwoman and will forever have the body of a 13 year old!! Haha not sure which is better.. or worse.
Oh yes, the picture to prove my victory!
Old jeans from 2000
Well, this is probably one of my less entertaining posts BUT tough shit, ya win some and ya lose some. At least I was brief.

A parting thought for you all…